Czech Tour  history and natur

Historical Trips and Excursions to 


Czech nature

 Czech Republic   a tourist paradise

                 The Paradise of lovers of history and natural beauty

                  The country of celts and  medieval knights

The country with the largest number of historical monuments in the world

    The country with the highest number of prehistoric           castles, medieval castles, fortresses, churches and                       monasteries, Baroque Chateau

   Castles and Chateau are literally on every corner

It is a land where ancient history comes to life and where you can visit archeocenters and experience the atmosphere of the Prehistory, the Middle Ages, get to the knight's battlefield and walk through the prehistoric village, the fortified settlement or the medieval village, the city and the true Gothic castles as a fairy tale.

The Czech Republic is also a land of natural beauty. Wild forests, vast                mountains, scenic lakes, ponds and rivers, pastures and meadows. 

             It is literally the kingdom of sandstone rock towns.

    You will find here a place where people can find the desired                                             tranquility and relaxation

      Transport and accomodation during the Trip

If you  plan a one-day trip only, write to us and we will pick you up at    your hotel and after the trip we will bring you back to the hotel.

   If you want to plan a multi-day trip, please write us and we will             choose the best accommodation for you according to your                   requirements and arrange a trip according to your wishes and             arrange transport during trips and from the airport and back.

               The Best of all

Here you will find a brief overview of the most interesting places you can look at with us. Below you can find pictures and a                                   description of  each place you can visit.

                             Děčínský Sněžník

   the largest sandstone rock table mountain in Central Europe

                               Elbe Canyon

               the most massive sandstone canyon in Europe

                           The Pravčická Gate

       the largest sandstone rock gate and bridge in Europe 

Gothic Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary

              the moust oblique tower north of the Alps

                             Castle Střekov

         the most romantic castle in the Czech Republic

                         Czech Stonehenge

 a unique stone circle with amazing energy that will take you to the times of the ancient Celtic Druids and their magical                                                ceremonies

                 Knights medieval tournaments 

                             fighting warriors in armor



    Unique experiences from places you will not                               see elsewhere!

                            Kokořín Castle

 an incredibly perfect Gothic castle as a fairy tale in a romantic 

                           setting of sandstone rocks

                    Romantic cruise on Kamenice river 

boats between the deep walls of the narrow sandstone rock canyon

          Romantic and breathtaking Sandstone rock towns

                   Tiské Stěny,  Prachovské Skály, Kokořínsko


                             Majestic Castles

The Czech Republic is literally a country of Gothic castles. They are here and there are hundreds. We can show you some of the most beautiful, the toughest and most mysterious, but also romantic castle                          ruins in the middle of forests and rocks.

                                Medieval pub 

    performances of swordsmen, period food and unrepeatable                                                          atmosphere

     Brevery and restaurant carved in sandstone rock

                          what else you will not see

       A short trek through the volcanic mountain range 

                              of České Středohoří 

with breathtaking views of the countryside and the opportunity to visit Waterfall, Stone Sea, Central European small Prairie.

                       Historic Open-air Museum 

        Take a look at the world of ancient Celtic warriors and druids,           experience the atmosphere of the Celtic city, see the prehistoric             mammoth hunters, or find yourself in the harsh but romantic Middle Ages- experience the atmosphere of knight battles. You can also visit the American Indians camp or cowboys in the right western city.


                     And other interesting places

                             Ride by train to the museum railway

                                   Ship cruise on the river Elbe

               Open-air museum of folk architecture 17th-18th century 

                          The famous Gothic Renaissance churches

Visiting the Gothic cellars of the local winery and wine tasting,                        which  has been grown since the Middle Ages

          Excursions to History, back against 

                        the stream of Time 

Prehistoric Open-air Museum -  life at the time of mammoth                                               hunters,  20,000 years ago

The Celtic Open-air Museum - daily life in a renovated Celtic small                                            town 2000 years ago

Medieval Open-air museum - life in a medieval fortified village 700-                                              1000 years ago

          Prehistoric Megalitic Stonhedge of Great Stones 

                                and Celtic Menhirs 

             Experience the atmosphere of ancient Celtic sacred places

                         Knights Tournaments 


magnificent medieval duels on horses, as you watched the battle of real knights in the 14th century. The story will completely devour you and for a moment you will forget that you are in the 21st century

                      Western Town
a trip between cowboys and Indians until the wild west

                     A relaxing trip to nature 

         a return to travel without a mobile phone and the Internet

                        A Relaxing walking on barefoot

Try at least for a while walking barefoot. Relax for your feet - it is                                               very  healthy for your body


                                    Trip no.1

A trip to the sandstone rock town Prachovské Skály. The Prachov Rocks and Trosky Castle, a visit to the medieval              pub and a tour of the brewery in the sandstone rock

                  The Prachov Rocks

a rock formation of sandstone formations of various shapes, which extend about 5 to 7 km, a nature reserve, part of the Bohemian Paradise Protected Landscape Area and a popular destination for tourists. They originated in the                      Secondary period as sediment at the edge of the sea.


                     Trosky Castle

is a symbol of Bohemian Paradise and one of the most visited castles                                         in the Czech Republic

                     The Medieval Pub

The only step across the threshold of the pub is to bring you from the 21st century into the Middle Ages.With the concealed breath you will feel the energy that radiates from the arch and the old stone walls. Every phrase of noisy service and the tones of medieval songs will get you under your skin. Sit on wooden benches to stone tables. Forget everyday worries and become a part of the Middle Ages. The local specialty is the meat roasted in an open fire and other dishes                                     that you will not taste anywhere.

        Tour of the Brewery and restaurant carved in                                sandstone rock

From the inside of the rock there is a positive energy, and the very entrance to this unique restaurant describes some sensitive people              as a sort of passage to another time-space.You will have an                    unforgettable experience when visiting this rocky                                                                   restaurant.

                              Trip no. 2

A trip to the sandstone rock town Tiské Stěny and a sandstone table top Děčínský Sněžník, Canyon of the River Elbe and Střekov Castle, panoramic view of volcanic mountain range České Středohoří, waterfalls, stone fields, Central European small prairie. Open-air museum of folk architecture, crafts and crafts mainly from the 17th- 18th century Baroque and Railway Museum. 

               Possibility to visit the famous Gothic Renaissance churches.

            Possibility to drive by a historic train. Possibility to visit the                                                     local winery

           Sandstone rock town Tiské Stěny

Visit the picturesque landscape of the Tiské Stěny and discover the place full of bizarre sandstone formations in which the film                                                Chronicles of Narnia was filmed.
Tiské Stěny are a sandstone rock town and are unique due to their area and variety of rock formations. Tiské Stěny were formed approximately 85-100 million years ago during the seabed period. Several layers of sandy sediments were gradually deposited, sandstones formed by their subsequent consolidation. Rock towns and rock towers are the result of the erosion of wind, sun, trees and rain.

                 The Tower Děčínský Sněžník

Do you know that this place is also called an airbath? Go to Děčínský Sněžník and see why. Not only beautiful views of the surroundings, but also do something for your health. It is located on the largest sandstone table mountain in Central Europe. The Tower Děčínský Sněžník is one of the most beautiful observation towers in the Czech Republic. It lies at an altitude of 723 meters and leads to a total of 153 stairs. At the top is a platform with a romantic battlement and is a monumental circular view of the region.


                  The canyon of the Labe River 

Visit a breathtaking place to see five curves of the Labe River in the Border Mountains and also a view towards the Gate to Bohemia where                                  one of Europe's largest river canyons.


                             Castle Střekov

Střekov Castle was built in 1316 to protect an important business trip to Germany. Its ruin is today one of the most visited monuments of northern Bohemia. Come and enjoy the magnificent view that Goethe called "one of the most beautiful in Central Europe", and see the remains of the fortress as well as the historical exposition of medieval weapons and armor.

Discover the remains of Střekov Castle with its preserved Knights Hall and a cylindrical Gothic tower. Historical exposition includes drawings and photographs of the castle, replicas of weapons and a three-dimensional wooden model of the castle complex.

Waterfall, Stone Sea, Central European small                                          Prairie

You can also visit a waterfall in rocky volcanic rocks and relics of the last Ice  Age - the Stone Sea and the Central European Prairie

You can also take a short trek through the prairie, the rocky sea and on the peak of the volcanic mountain with a magnificent view of the                                              countryside

Open-air museum of folk architecture, crafts and crafts mainly from the 17th-18th century Baroque                            and Railway Museum

In the urban and landscaping uniquely situated village in the hilly countryside of the Central Bohemian Highlands, there is a collection of valuable buildings of folk architecture, where the timber, timbered and brick buildings are next to each other. The indoor and outdoor expositions are presented in several buildings.

Visiting the Baroque Well from 1695
Farmhouse no. 61 - a timbered floor building is part of a complex of buildings reminiscent of the life and work of people on farmland.
Village shop - a brick-built house built in the middle of the 19th century with an exposition of an old village shop with many valuable details.
Water mill - small water mill on the upper drive powered by Luční potok. The house is a detached timbered building with a timbered annex - a mill.

             You can also take a historic train ride along the museum rail

           Visiting the Gothic cellars of the local winery and wine                         tasting, which has been grown since the Middle Ages

During the trip you can visit the famous Gothic Renaissance                                 churches with magnificent decoration

    Gothic Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary

1945 - The church was heavily damaged by US air raids, with three bombs dropping close to the other, and the fourth detonated by the roof; since then, the church tower has been deflected more than two meters from the perpendicular axis and is the moust oblique tower north of the Alps; the                         church was repaired and re-commissioned after the war.

The Church of St. Florian is an important monument to                 the Gotic of the Saxon Renaissance

Here is the breathtaking original Renaissance interior designIn a rectangular boat and a triple-ended presbytery, late-gothic mesh ribbed vaults. In the ship three-wing Renaissance Empora, on the west side of the three-storey, crowned with crossed ridge vaults.
Preserved relics of artistically high-quality decorations from the time of the construction of the church, originally a representative chapel.
The main altar with alabaster reliefs is late Renaissance from 1604,

    The Church of St. Wenceslas is a Gothic-Renaissance sacral building with unique and original                    Gothic  Renaissance decoration

                              Trip no.3

                   A trip to the National Park of Czech                                 Switzerland and the  sandstone  canyon 

                                   of the Elbe River 

    Possibility of cruise on the river Elbe. Sandstone Rock Gate and        the  Rock Bridge Pravčická Gate.Sandstone Rock Gorge Hřensko

                         Elbe Canyon 

   the most massive sandstone canyon in Europe

The Elbe River is surrounded by sandstone rocks in the area. Rocks rise above the river up to 130 meters. An interesting area of the canyon passes cruise shipsThe ramparts are inaccessible to the dry foot, the rocky cliff ridges reach a staggering height of 150 meters                                        from the surface of the river.

                     The Pravčická Gate 

is a rock gate formed in sandstone chalky sandstone. With a span of 26.5 meters and a height of 16 meters it is the largest sandstone rock gate in Europe. It is one of the most visited places and symbol                             of the  National Park České Švýcarsko

                   Sandstone Rock Gorge Hřensko 

This is a romantic cruise on Kamenice river boats. Edmund's gorge and Wild Gorge are one of the biggest attractions of the Czech                                             Switzerland  National Park.

   The ramparts are inaccessible to the dry foot, the rocky cliff ridges reach a staggering height of 150 meters from the surface of the river.

                                Trip no.4

            Trip to the sandstone rock town of                        Kokořínsko and Kokořín Castle

                          Kokořín Castle

Gothic Kokořín Castle is one of the most beautiful and most visited             Czech castles. It has a perfectly preserved Gothic wall with a               battlement as a fairy tale. When you enter the castle you will find yourself in a romantic environment as if you entered the Middle Ages

         Sandstone rock town of Kokořínsko

Near the Castle of Kokořín we can admire the rock sandstone town called "Bludiště - Maze". The name is concise, we pass through the narrow gorges between the rocky walls, climb and descend the bridges, and roam the rocks to help the chains and ropes. Very nice                                           and adventurous walk.

    In the vicinity there are so-called Kokořínské pokličky. They are sandstone reminiscent of mushrooms. They were formed by gradual selective weathering of sandstone. The upper layer of more durable iron sandstone protects the lower column of softer clay sandstone, resulting in the characteristic shape of a sponge with a flat cap. The most massive canopy reaches a height of 12 m, the hat is 6 m wide.

   Multi-day excursions to the Czech Republic

         You can also take a trip to the Czech Republic for more days                trip. We will arrange the trip of your trip  according to your         requirements and we will provide excellent accommodation for you.

      For a gentle trip, you can spend the evening with a campfire and a  musical performance of Celtic traditional music of romantic ballads                                        of Ireland and Scotland.

           As well as relaxation walks into nature along 

                               the woods  and rocks

As well as a trip to nature reserves and a professional

                   interpretation about flora and fauna

You can also experience camping in the camp, sleeping in tents or in the open air, exploring constellations in the night sky, collecting forest fruits - blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries and                            mushrooms and swimming in the countryside.

          Special Historical Trips

               We also invite you to historical trips, 

             where you can find yourself in the past


                                     Trip no.1

                          Prehistoric Settlement

all the buildings in the settlement are built by periodic procedures. The main objective here is to present life in the oldest history of humanity. During a common visit, visitors find the way of life in prehistoric times, from a hunting  lodge, through agricultural buildings to pints for charcoal production.

                                    Trip no.2

                    Prehistoric settlement in Zoo 

The most striking outcome of the efforts is the gradual renewal of the "prehistoric" heightened settlements. As part of the project "Life and craft ...", the days of prehistoric technologies are being held in 2011  during the main tourist season, focusing on the presentation of                    archeology and its results towards the lay public.

                                     Trip no.3

                  Archaeopark of Prehistory

   The site was divided into several functional districts (residential, agricultural, craft, cult, and burial) so as to produce the most faithful                                      copies of prehistoric reality.
Tours of the site provide visitors with a more complete and accurate                            view of the oldest period of humanity.
  Visitors can see umbrella model archaeological research, classical         exposition and multimedia presentations and visualizations, and try out many of the common activities of a prehistoric man himself. This is    a unique project that has the great potential to show the widest public,  how archeology works, what knowledge it gets and                why the oldest human history is so important to us.

On the three floors of the museum you will see the prehistoric underworld, life and heaven. From the bird's eye view, you can look at the giant model of the prehistoric          landscape, explore the finds of prehistoric objects, the mammoth skeleton, the              prehistoric cave and explore the various aspects of mammoth hunter life.The exhibition  of the Archeopark is divided into two parts - indoor and outdoor. Within the outdoor exposition, you can see examples of prehistoric buildings such as Neolithic and Eneolithic House, Early Iron Shelves, Rondel, Production Areas, and Prehistoric Burial Cemeteries. (Not only) for children's visitors are prepared practical examples of various prehistoric activities - crushing of grain, grinding of stone axes, production of ceramics, spinning of linen yarns, weaving in prehistoric states, cultivating fields with  wooden tools or working with replicas of prehistoric axes.

                                   Trip no.4

                      History Park

During the acquisition process, visitors will learn about the settlement of the landscape from prehistoric times to the Middle Ages and some archaeological finds. Everything takes place in the area of a historic farm and adjoining land in a beautiful countryside and in a nearby neighborhood. You can try bow shooting, firefighting through ancient methods, mammoth hut dwellings and try to dig up                           as if your own archaeological find.

            In the area of History Park, typical prehistoric and medieval          settlements will be gradually built. However, History Park wants to reconstruct not only the final condition of the building, but its course, as opposed to the classical archeoscan. It is my wish that settlements live and live with new settlers over the years, as was probably the case in the past. The whole area should become an interactive educational  attraction, through which you go on a journey into the past and become hunters of old stories.

                                      Trip no.5

                      Prehistoric Open-Air Museum

in the open-air museum, you can see the Celtic half-timbered, weaving, baking, ceramic and metallurgical workshop, farm buildings, prehistoric sacrifices, medieval glassworks, and the                                                  Stonehenge imitation.

                                 Trip no.6

                  Archaeological Open-Air Museum

Visitors can find here, for example, a Neolithic long house, a Germanic cottage or a Slavic half-timbered house, so they can see the way of life in different periods of prehistory and early Middle Ages.

                           Celtic world

The Celtic Open-air Museum - you will find yourself in the Celtic village or town for about 2000 years ago

                                       Trip no.1

                       Celtic Archeoskanzen
The open-air museum is a reconstruction of the Celtic "city" from the Iron Age (2nd - 1st century BC). In such a "city" at that time, several                          hundred to a thousand inhabitants lived.

All major buildings (mainly residential houses) have their original                                                archaeological finds.
Also the layout of the constructions in the farms and the composition of buildings (apart from residential houses there are also economic buildings, handicraft workshops, etc.) corresponds to what appeared                                to be the area in the Iron Age.
     It will be the only open-air museum of its kind in Central 

     Europe that faithfully depicts the shape of the Celtic city.

                                     Trip no.2

                       Celtic Open-Air Museum

The visitor can see craft workshops, a mound and a stone barrage,         which will gradually add to the residential buildings, the dominant                            feature of which will become the manor house.
The entrance to the fortified village will be a gate tower. Thanks to operators who present Celtic crafts, clothing and warfare, the museum offers its visitors the impressive atmosphere of a real Celtic settlement.

                                     Trip no.3

                       The Celtic Archeopark
   You will find the largest reconstruction of the Celtic entry gate in Central Europe. Reconstruction of the building, the so-called pliers and  fortifications, is built according to the findings of the Keletský            oppida. The ground plan of the entrance gate is 5 x 5 m, the                   fortifications made of clay clay, a dry stone wall reinforced with sculpted beams has a total length of 60 m. consists of three rows of posts according to the ground plan, which are connected by a wooden grate with a stone wall and a clay wall. At 3 m they are connected by a wreath and a floor. The poles are recessed 0.8 m into the ground. The side walls consist of a matching wall with vertically built stakes, the  front side is made up of two-wing opening doors.

                                 Trip no.4

          Czech Stonehenge - Celtic Menhirs

     Prehistoric Megalitic Stonhedge of Great Stones 

                             and Celtic Menhirs

Here is a megalithic circle of giant stones. The stones of this circle have the strongest energy of all domestic man-made megaliths.

On the edge of the village is a megalithic circle of giant stones that belong to them. to this landscape and have its energy. A set of 25 granite stones has created new energy, synergistically reinforced. Elements in a circle with a diameter of 30 meters work each other together. The most suitable for meditation is a stone giant weighing                         19 tons standing alone near the circle.
  This stone formation is called the kromlech, which is a circular grouping of individual erected stones. The rotary circle of stones was          built especially by Celtic priests Druids for their ceremonies and                                             curative effects.

                       Trip no.5  

                        Roman Legions exhibition

A permanent museum exhibition about the Roman legions from the time of the ancient Roman Empire, which had fortifications and fought on the territory of  the Czech Republic with the Germans.Bojové Operations here personally                     managed by the Roman Emperor Markus Aurelius



                                    Trip no.1

        Archeopark Fortification 8-11th Century

The Archeopark was built at the place of the defunct Slavonic fortification from the 8th-11th centuries. century, which is still archaeologically researched. The results of the research are also used to build a reconstruction of the entire fortress, a frontal chamber wall, a palisade surrounding the whole acropolis, a hall structure, three residential buildings and an entrance gate with a tower and a bridge. Visitors can now take a look at the Early Slavic fortification.


                                     Trip no.2

                    Archeoskanzen Great Moravian 

             fortified settlement from the 9th century

It is a unique project, comprising 19 buildings of housing estates, economic and production buildings, the building of the Prince's Palace and the reconstruction of the Great Moravian Church of St. Jana. The      open-air museum lives in everyday life, teaching shows, programs, experimental melting of metals, ceramics production, agricultural  production, and ongoing archaeological research. Come         and experience the ancient past of the early Middle Ages


                                   Trip no.3

                      Fortress of the 12th Century
       It includes a number of residential and commercial buildings.
       Visitors can offer an authentic view of the medieval way of life.

                                    Trip no.4

                  Archeopark of the Early Middle Ages 

                           of the 10th-13th Century

the first South Bohemian a monument presented in the form of a direct reconstruction, emerges on the site of the former fortress's acropolis on the hill of St. John is focused on the period 10-13. century. The archeological research on the basis of which this archeopark is being built has been on the acropolis of the fortified settlement for several years. At present, part of the fortification with the guard tower, which also serves as a lookout tower,


                                  Trip no.5

                         Archaeological park
The park area is divided into two thematically different units. The first one is intended to bring visitors closer to the possible building form of the housing estate of the Prague subterranean agglomeration of the 2nd half of the 12th - the 1st half of the 13th century and the second part introduces the idea of the rural environment of the late Middle Ages. Throughout the park, visitors can find both residential and rural media buildings, production facilities, and a range of replicated tools  that they can try to work independently

                                        Trip no.6

                     The Medieval Open-air Museum 

                          of the 13th-14th Century

Its main goal was the construction of a medieval open-air museum from 13-14. century. All buildings were built with respect for the principles and principles of experimental archeology, with the verification of the only theoretically proven technological procedures so far. In addition to residential, farm and production buildings, visitors can see the orchard or herb garden in which the plants are                                      documented for a given period.
Archeoskanzen tries to approach the medieval colonization village. The settlement, which concentrated mainly in fertile river valleys, has gradually begun to spread to higher, less-favorable locations. There was a massive deforestation, and cities and villages were set up in new gullies. But their locators have always had to make sure that there is enough water and raw materials in place.
Visiting the open-air museum you will return for at least seven hundred years. The life in the open-air museum begins with a tour of half-buried
buildings in the country - half-timbers. The gravel pit is reconstructed according to according to its original findings and it dates back to the end of the 13th century. Open-air museums are constructed according to the experimental archeology, ie according to archaeological finds, replicas of prehistoric instruments are used for processing. It was made of pigs, bricks made of damp clay drenched in the sun. Outside the houses there are various medieval  buildings from bread ovens, barns, to forges.

                                    Trip no.7

                     Medieval Open-Air Museum
The open-air museum was built as a replica of the settlement from the      14th to 15th centuries. century. Only natural materials and period techniques were used for construction, the village was even enclosed    by a wooden palisade with an entrance gate and towers. Behind the  gates there is a shingle top and a pagan iconic place, and there are  sheep and goats in the village. The visitor can see                           here the ordinary life of a medieval village

                                               Trip no.8

                          Knights Tournaments

A story is waiting in the shining armor of the brave lords, the stables, the blade of the sword. A story in which, as always, good evil and victory over him will not be easy ... During the show you will be able to admire the stunts of fighters, beautiful horses, masculine bodies of guardian masters, a show of unconventional weapons of the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries. and much more you will find yourself in a                                  spectacular knightly performance.

            Wild West- Indians and Cowboys 

    Do you want to visit a real Indian tee-pee or even sleep in Tee-pee and spend a night beside Indian fire?

                                  Trip no.1

                              Indian Camp

Indian village -  the world of prairie indiansYou will see here a settlement of prairie Indians - stylishly furnished interiors of Indian teenagers, replicas of original Indian clothing, toys, weapons,                          musical instruments and daily necessities.
The Indian Village will uncover the lives of the indigenous people of North America, especially the Prairie Indians (Sioux, Shaitan, Arapah, Blacks, and others). You will find here many interesting about the Indian life. You can shoot from a bow, throw a spear or a tomahawk,       blow a drum, make a dream trap or try to make a fire with a shit.                           Children can play Indian games.

                                  Trip no.2

                       Indian Camp with Horses

Do you have the desire to experience an unconventional                                                             experience? 

Fulfill your childhood dream full of adventures and romance?
Do you want to visit your family, friends or pets with a dog or stay in the tee-pee in the middle of nature? Do you want to ride a horse and learn from the Indians how to talk horse with horse language? Do you  want to make your own hands with an arrow, beaded ornaments, moccasins or other beautiful items according to Indian designs?

Do you just like to swim in the Indian Village, play Indian games, or                                 just relax by the river? 

We invite you  as hard as possible to our simple Indian village with horses.

                             You can experience it here
horse riding,games for adults and children with Indian themes,
Indian customs and traditions, production of articles made of leather, beads and wood, indian saunas, night fires, meat-on-fire barbecue                           and others you can choose from.

                                 Trip no.3


                           Wild West Fortress

           Open-air museum of trappers and indian museum

Western fortressIt is the only open-air museum of Trappers in Czech!           Here you are The town's program consists of two parts. An introduction and then an active part where many attractions and competitions are being prepared for visitors.You can see here: a tavern, a trappers shop, a variety of styles, an Indian museum with          replicas of Indian objects, an Indian village with painted tee-pee, apaloosa horse, authentic fur hunters, and others.Directly in the                    resort can be accommodated in Indian Tee-pee tents.

                              Trip no.4

                             Western park

A Western town in an authentic Wild West environment The atmosphere of the Western Park will devour you so much that you think you are a cowboy or an unbridled Indian. Theatrical performances in a huge natural sandstone quarry with a waterfall give Indian and Cowboy stories the true charm.In the area you can also be pleasantly accommodated as "somewhere in the wild  west". The apartments are cleverly divided into double rooms with one room,  family with two rooms and a deluxe room for the first four rooms. Each apartment is furnished with stylish furniture. The mattresses on the beds are the best we have chosen and sleep on them like a cloud. Heat provides floor       heating and in each room you can regulate the temperature yourself, according to your taste. The apartment hotel is not equipped with a TV and it deliberately so you have time to talk, look out of the window to the deer, sunrise, or play cards.


                                         Trip no.5

                            Western Town

Western Town, the town is constantly expanded and renovated to meet the demands of even the most demanding visitor. Even so, the atmosphere from the past years, from the times of the Western West,                                     is still breathing.
The area is designed for active people who like entertainment, adrenaline, but also occasionally looking for a place to relax and relax. It is the ideal place for one-day or two-day excursions,
Have a nice and unforgettable time with your family while watching                           action theaters or dance shows in town.
   Aeal offers a wide range of dining and accommodation capacities from  a three-star hotel, through log cabins, chalets, mobile homes                        and luxury tents outwell to a standard camp.
For trips, the western town offers three times a day Western shows and theaters, an attractive program throughout the day, a competition, an Indian village, stylish restaurants, bars and snacks, a café in the  Children's Attractions Zone, zoopark, bouncy castle, trampolines, Union Pacific train, archery, horseback riding, electric                        bull ride, period costume rental and more.
     From the small town you can just take a few steps and get to the natural self-cleaning swimming pool with a water slide. There are also tennis courts, a volleyball court and a football field.
Is it a bit of adrenaline? Come and ride on quads along an offroad                              track or in a military armored carrier.



                                        Trip no.6 

                           Western City           

    Pony Express Museum, Buffalo Bill Museum

Western City - Life a hundred years ago with everythingWestern City offers a lot of experiences: saloon, pony express museum, cowboys, Indians, minizoo, pony rides, recreational pond and more. Various one-time events or a summer camp are available for children.
Western City is the perfect place for lovers of nature, history, cowboys, Indians, trappers, horses, nature, and everything that                                    leaves a heart and soul trace.
Western Town, these are not just museums - Pony Express Museum, Buffalo Bill Museum, but also the natural way of life with everything that belongs to that way. Here you will find not only Hucul horse, ponies, Cameroon goats, Vietnamese pigs, peacocks, husolabuts, dogs, cats, but even a pond with fish. The city also houses buildings such as the Railway Station and Theater or the already mentioned                                                  museums.
   But there is peace, comfort, and the atmosphere of life that people lived in the wilderness of the West. Do not you believe? Come and see! Come and contribute with this period of time! Where else will you have the opportunity not to look at life a hundred years ago to                         watch but to live a hundred years ago.

                                Trip no.7      

                         Western Skanzen 

A fun day is waiting for you not just in the open air. The area of the    town will take you to the Wild West, where we have prepared a     museum tour and interesting lectures on Indians, hunters and                                                         cowboys.
Further examples of the art of settlers and Indians associated with the so-called workshop, ie children's own production (eg production of headpieces, necklaces, painting, bread baking). In our free time you can visit a local saloon, a café with various goodies for small and large,    a playground, a Czech Zoo and many other interesting                                                    attractions.
If you are not in a hurry and want to enjoy a multi-day trip, it is possible to sleep in the town and spend the night at the campfire in the romantic atmosphere of a western town and continue the next                                day to other interesting places.   

                                     Trip no.8

                           Western Areal

                       The Wild West in the Czech West 

 a more accurate description of the western area, we would probably     find it hard to find. There is nothing in the life of guns, whether it's a  saloon, a prison, a sheriff's office, or a Mexican canteen. 

Here, for a few moments, you can move between Indians and cowboys and taste life in the Wild West! You will be able to look into the saloon or sheriff's office, meet local residents, try an electric bull ride, or just enjoy the atmosphere of a true Wild West.
Who would not want to taste for himself how he lived in the Wild West? In the western campus, the atmosphere of the Wild West is so real and       perfect that you do not know that you are still in                                          Bohemia, on the "Czech West"!
    There are dozens of stylish buildings, including a saloon, sheriff's office, stylish restaurants, jail, Indian tee-pee tents, or a Western-style souvenir shop. Walking through this western town, you will encounter genuine residents, whose presence even further enhances the unique   atmosphere of the Wild West. You meet cowboys, hunters, hunters,      and ladies.You can also live in a variety of ways - from the house  through the teeppe to the car                                             covered by the sail.

      Trip to the natural experience area   

A Relaxing walking on barefoot  The barefoot trail

              Just take off your shoes and do what our ancestors  

                     have done away  with. Go barefoot!

If you want to go barefoot this 1km long stretch, you can also visit the                             adventure area it is part of.
In the local natural park full of experiences and knowledge for children and adults, in the landscape of ancient granite boulders you can find over a hundred hectares of more than a hundred different games, entertainment and educational features, adventure tasks, puzzles and some truly exceptional attractions - the early medieval archaeopark, natural grassland, archaeological and palaeontological site, big wooden maze, children's play village, interactive gaming hall, archery game, a lot of natural playgrounds of various kinds, mysterious Treasure Path, Oriental Hlaholam game, questing the Stone of Time and wandering in a dark warehouse. There is also a pub with a stylish menu of meals and beverages in the house with a timbered house dating back to 1640, relaxation zones and covered areas in case of bad weather.

Here you can indulge your rest and an extraordinary sensory experience. The 1 km long trail will be massaged by grass and forest paths, cones, sticks and needles, sand and mud, massive boulders and tiny valleys, cooled by water and shady bushes of shrubs, eaten by a meadow of old times and a forest. The surface of the trail is adjusted so that the legs feel like reborn after this experience. The individual sections are made of many kinds of natural materials. The trail is complemented by a number of habitats where visitors can get a playful form of new knowledge about Czech nature.

                            It barks down

Even the most sophisticated designer shoes are unnatural for man. The molded modern soles have the task of absorbing "shocks", balancing inequalities, and building your foot into a certain position, that is to say, what our foot is naturally adapted to. The more the shoe tries to do behind our leg, the smaller the foot has the chance to fulfill its natural function, it weakens and it is the beginning of trouble not only with the foot but also with other parts of our body.
If we remove the shoes and the foot stops being supported by the soles, the fingers naturally stretch as we walk, we begin to carry the weight more at the tip - especially on the belly under the thumb and the heel on the other hand. As a result, one automatically captures an upright stance, walks flexibly and effortlessly, barefoot it is almost                                                impossible.
Walking without shoes on uneven terrain is healthy, relaxing, recharging with energy and joy. Our bare feet suddenly become a source of many insights. We begin to perceive the temperature, the humidity and the terrain change, of course, we avoid avoiding insects or snails, becoming a part of nature. Through our feet, we will once again get into direct contact with the earth, returning to the roots of human nature. By stimulating the reflex points on the feet, we activate immunity, cold legs heat up. Extremely positive effect is barefoot walking on the prevention of flat feet. When walking without shoes, all the muscles involved correctly affect the proper 
                            development of the vault.

             A relaxing trip to nature

a return to travel without a mobile phone and the Internet

You can go back to the past, until you are not using mobile phones and the Internet and enjoy one or more days without these modern technologies and just relax in nature on a trip to sandstone rocks and forests or to mountains and romantic the ruins of the castles and                                      the nature reserves. 

Enjoy at least for a while you do not have to watch time, news, social networks, sms, chat on the messeger. Let the time go just like that and just treat the beauty of the surrounding countryside. nothing to solve, to keep up with time and to constantly process a lot of news from news, sms, messenger, email and the Internet. Let's especially relax mentally and draw new forces into the next labor hustle of                                             today's  hurried times.

A relaxing trip can be one day only with a return to your hotel or we can provide you with a pleasant stay for two to five days in a stylish guesthouse or romantic country-style wooden cottage where you will be totally quiet and comfortable. You can spend the evening with a campfire and listen to live traditional Celtic music, or to stay in the                                   right Indian tee-pee tent.

                               Camp Trip

We can also offer you two to five days camp camping in the countryside, sleeping under the tent or under the rock overhang, and in good weather even in the open air with fire cooking and excursions to the camp surroundings and with the collection of forest fruits. We can also offer a two to five day relaxing trek to places where there are not too many tourists staying at public camps.


                                Forest Trip

We can also go with you on a forest trek and walk all day in the woods.   You can relax in the middle of forests. There is a one-day excursion with return to your hotel or a two to five day forest excursion. sleeping  in guesthouses or in public camps


                              Mountain trip
You can also cross the mountains with sleeping and eating in the mountain huts. There are many mountain ranges where you can take a  trip with wonderful views of mountain ridges to the surrounding                                              countryside.


       Canoeing on the river or horse or bike ride Trip

One Day trips with a return to your hotel or two to five-day trips-an unforgettable cruise on wonderful rivers,around cycling  and horses                             trails in a beautiful countryside

   Woodcraft course - course of survival in the wild

one day stay up to five days.You will learn how to behave in crisis situations in the wild and the various camper and mountainman skills that are needed to stay in the wild-in the forest and in the mount.

      All outdoor equipment such as tent, sleeping bag,                                   sleeping mat can be borrowed


    Transport is always provided by minibus.But for                           diversify the trip.or where it is convenient we can                             arrange transport by bus, train, tram, metro


                  You can also visit us

                 Historic Air Show and Aircraft Museum

        Reconstruction of historic battles from the Middle Ages                and the Baroque period. and between real Roman

       legions from the time of the ancient Roman Empire                                             and Celtic  warriors

Excursion to the best remnants of Gothic and Renaissance         city walls and fortification gates in the Czech Republic

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