Czech Tour  history and natur

                 How to order a trip

Besides the trails below, you can tell where you want to go and what you want to see and we will build a special route

              for you to see everything you want

On Our Site in the Trip to Prague menu, You can also choose from other                attractions in Prague and add  them to your trip

If you want to plan a multi-day trip, please write us and we will choose the best accommodation for you according to your requirements and arrange a trip                             according to your wishes and arrange transport during trips 
                                and from the airport and back.

                                 1st step

    If you have a selected type of the trip, the place you want to          visit  and price type in Prague or outside of Prague, choose                the date of the trip and the number of the  people 

                               taking part in the trip.

                                2nd step

Then choose the contact person we will communicate with, tell us your name and concact info, you can choice from this (phone, e-mail,                               facebook, messenger, whatsapp) .

If you are staying at the hotel, please give us full name and hotel                      address and the room number of the contact person.

                                3rd step

Share us information via e-mail, facebook, messenger, telephone, whatsapp or sms. Then we will  contact you and arrange the time to                                     pick you up at your hotel.

                Your Czech Tour history and natur



Phone, sms, whatsapp                  +420721234419


Facebook, messenger                   Czech Tour history and natur



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